Message from the Co-ordinator – Nepal Tourism and Hotel Management College

Message from the Co-ordinator

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever.”

Dear Prospective Students,

I am extremely overwhelmed with joy to grab an opportunity of welcoming you all at Nepal

Tourism and Hotel Management College., a booming college of hospitality management in pokhara, Nepal, which produces skilled human capital and potential hospitality leaders.

At NTHMC, we focus on student centered and reality based teaching approach with audio- visual and multimedia tools. We believe that a stimulating and progressive student centered learning environment will be helpful to develop student professional competence required in the global scenario. We identify and foster the hidden potentialities and talents of student and help them to study in conducive and homely environment. NTHMC has a distinct model of learning, Strong research performance and leading reputation for engagement with industry experts.

Our distinguished faculties, innovative and diverse course offerings in newer disciplines’ and modern infrastructure with excellent facilities are designed to make the process of learning as comfortable, enjoyable, qualitative and effective as possible. We have a strong, determined and highly qualified team of academicians and hospitality experts to teach various subjects relating to our courses both theory and practical. We enable students to apply academic knowledge to pragmatic purposes. Frequently extracurricular activities, field and industry visit s contributes students to explore themselves in a more convenient way.

I look forward the personal presence and visit of prospective students as well as parents and guardians to observe our college. We respect your trust and expect the same from you. As comments are compliments, we expect your invaluable suggestions and try to implement them in real field.

Thank you once again for your interest in NTHMC.

Mr. Dinesh Kumar Yadav.
+2 co-ordinator